Impact of Regular Wheel Alignment & Tyre Rotation

September 12, 2023

When it comes to vehicle maintenance, there are certain aspects that tend to take the back seat, so to speak. While oil changes, brake inspections, and engine servicing often steal the spotlight, it’s essential not to overlook the critical roles that wheel alignment and tyre rotation play in maintaining your vehicle’s performance, safety, and longevity. In this blog, we’ll explore the impact of these often-underestimated maintenance practices and why they should be integral parts of your car care routine.

Understanding Wheel Alignment

Wheel alignment, also known as tire alignment, refers to the adjustment of your vehicle’s suspension components to ensure that the wheels are properly aligned with each other and the road surface. This involves adjusting the angles of the wheels to the car manufacturer’s specifications.

Why Is Wheel Alignment Important?

  1. Improved Handling: Properly aligned wheels result in better handling and steering response. Your car will feel more stable and easier to control.
  2. Increased Tyre Life: Correct alignment reduces uneven wear on your tyres. This extends the life of your tyres and saves you money in the long run.
  3. Better Fuel Efficiency: Misaligned wheels can cause your tyres to drag, which increases rolling resistance and reduces fuel efficiency. Proper alignment can help save on fuel costs.
  4. Enhanced Safety: Aligned wheels contribute to safer driving by ensuring your car tracks straight and handles well in various road conditions.

Signs Your Car Needs Wheel Alignment

Several signs can indicate that your car’s wheels are out of alignment:

  • Uneven Tyre Wear: If you notice that your tyres have uneven tread wear, it’s a clear sign that your wheels may be misaligned.
  • Steering Wheel Off-Center: If your steering wheel is off-center when driving straight, it may indicate alignment issues.
  • Vehicle Pulls to One Side: If your car tends to pull to the left or right when driving on a straight road, it’s a strong indication of alignment problems.
  • Squealing Tyres: Misaligned wheels can cause your tyres to squeal, especially when turning.
  • Vibrations in the Steering Wheel: If you experience vibrations in the steering wheel, it could be due to wheel misalignment.

The Importance of Tyre Rotation

Tyre rotation involves moving your vehicle’s tyres from one position to another following a specific pattern. The goal is to ensure that tyres wear evenly over time.

Why Is Tyre Rotation Important?

  1. Extended Tyre Life: Rotating your tyres helps distribute wear evenly, which prolongs their lifespan. You won’t have to replace tyres as frequently.
  2. Improved Traction: Evenly worn tyres provide better traction and handling, especially in wet or slippery conditions.
  3. Maintained Performance: Tyre rotation contributes to consistent and reliable performance, including better fuel efficiency and handling.

When Should You Rotate Your Tyres?

The general guideline is to rotate your tyres every 6,000 to 8,000 kilometres or as recommended in your vehicle’s owner’s manual. However, it’s a good idea to consult with your mechanic for specific recommendations based on your driving habits and the type of tyres you have.

The Connection Between Wheel Alignment and Tyre Rotation

Wheel alignment and tyre rotation are closely related in terms of overall tyre health. When your wheels are properly aligned, your tyres wear evenly. However, even with perfect alignment, front tyres tend to wear faster than rear tyres due to steering and braking forces. Tyre rotation helps equalize this wear pattern.

Choosing the Right Service Provider

For wheel alignment and tyre rotation, it’s crucial to choose a reputable and experienced service provider. Here are some considerations:

  • Certified Technicians: Ensure that the service centre has certified technicians who are trained to perform wheel alignment and tyre rotation correctly.
  • State-of-the-Art Equipment: Look for a service centre that uses modern, computerized alignment equipment to ensure precise adjustments.
  • Regular Inspections: Choose a service provider that offers regular inspections of your vehicle’s alignment and tyre wear.
  • Alignment Guarantee: Some service centres offer alignment guarantees, which means they will re-align your wheels for free if issues arise shortly after service.

Proper wheel alignment and regular tyre rotation might not be as glamorous as some other aspects of vehicle maintenance, but their impact on your car’s performance, safety, and longevity is undeniable. By ensuring your wheels are correctly aligned and your tyres wear evenly, you’re not only enhancing your driving experience but also saving money in the long run. At Halo Motors, we understand the significance of these maintenance practices, and our experienced technicians are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment to provide the best care for your European vehicle. So, the next time you’re considering car maintenance, remember that keeping your wheels and tyres in top shape is a vital part of the equation.